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Dimension Limits

In the Dimension Limits window, all dimensions available in the chart are listed to the left.

Simply highlight the desired dimension to which the Dimension Limits configuration should apply to and select any of the following settings to control the number of dimension values displayed:

• From the Show only option we can select First, Largest, or Smallest x values

• From the Show only values that are option we can select Greater than, Less than, Greater than or equal to, or Less than or equal to a certain value, which can be given as: ° A percentage relative to the total ° An exact amount

• From the Show only values that accumulate to option we can select a certain value, which can be given as: ° A percentage relative to the total ° An exact amount

The difference between the second and the third options is that the former evaluates the individual result corresponding to the dimension's value, while the latter evaluates the cumulative total of that value by either sweeping from largest to smallest or vice versa. This can be used, for instance, in a Pareto analysis in which we would present all carriers that make up the 80 percent of the flights, leaving all the rest out.

Dimension limits can only be set based on the first expression. In case the chart has more than one expression, the rest are not taken into account

If you want to change selection, open document below and click on "Move attachment"


owner: ngras - (no access) - QlikView 11 for Developers [eBook].pdf, p211


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