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We can check if a function is of any given arity by using [...]:


 # check if add is a function that expects exactly 2 arguments iex > is_function ( add , 2 ) true # check if add is a function that expects exactly 1 argument iex > is_function ( add , 1 ) false 

We can check if a function is of any given arity by using [...]:

We can check if a function is of any given arity by using [...]:


 # check if add is a function that expects exactly 2 arguments iex > is_function ( add , 2 ) true # check if add is a function that expects exactly 1 argument iex > is_function ( add , 1 ) false 
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We can check if a function is of any given arity by using is_function/2: # check if add is a function that expects exactly 2 arguments iex > is_function ( add , 2 ) true # check if add is a function that expects exactly 1 argument iex > is_function (

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Basic types - The Elixir programming language
, just remember that Elixir makes a clear distinction between anonymous functions and named functions. Anonymous functions in Elixir are also identified by the number of arguments they receive. <span>We can check if a function is of any given arity by using is_function/2: # check if add is a function that expects exactly 2 arguments iex> is_function(add, 2) true # check if add is a function that expects exactly 1 argument iex> is_function(add, 1) false Finally, anonymous functions can also access variables that are in scope when the function is defined. This is typically refered to as closures, as they close over their scope. Let’s de


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